Friday, July 31, 2009

Yay, I finally have a blog! ^_^

With my first blog post, I'll tell you a little about myself. First, I'd like to note that I am bisexual, and am in a relationship with a girl. She has a blog, too, and she even mentioned that I might make one. Now I did! I'm following her blog now. You'll notice my name is "Not Telling," and my girlfriend's is "Who Cares." We just don't want to reveal our names, that's all. :P Anyway, here's her blog: Oh, and I love you, too, sweetie! ♥

Like the name of my blog suggests, I'm a very lovey dovey person. I like to give lots of random hugs. Not to everybody, but at least some people, like my girlfriend or my parents. My girlfriend thinks it's cute whenever we just sit next to each other and I hug her at the least expected moment, even if she's in the middle of a sentence talking about a video game or something. Yeah, we're both geeks, haha. We're geeks in different ways, though. I'm not a big fan of anime, but I like it. She hardly watches or reads any of it. She likes Horror movies, but I can hardly watch them without her. I'm a scaredy cat sometimes, haha! :P There have even been a couple of times when I've cried after seeing something that was really scary. The movie Alien is one I remember clearly. My girlfriend even showed me Dead Alive, telling me it was funny, but I didn't find it funny much. Just scary. She wants me to see it again, but I don't know. :(

Anyway, my girlfriend can be lovey dovey, too. She's more a of a tomboy, though, but she loves giving lots of hugs, too. She likes to kiss more, though. :P She's usually a softie, but she can be pretty tough. We're both pretty smart, but I'm a lot better at Math and she's a lot better at English. I even asked for her to edit my posts for me whenver I posted. I can write okay, but sometimes I get confused or I mess something up, haha. She let's me keep my smileys and laughs because she thinks it's cute, though.

My girlfriend and I have planned on getting married since we were about ten or so, but I guess we'll have to move to a state that would allow us to get married. My girlfriend is thinking about Iowa because she thinks her cousin moved there, too, and because she knows that they don't plan to change their laws for a long while. As of right now, though, we need to stay here and finish up some things, like college. My girlfriend's been having a hard time because she got lots of bad grades last semester and now she's under 2.0 grade average. I know it wasn't her fault. She got two bad teachers, and she just didn't do well in one other class. Had it just been that one class, she'd still be okay. One of the classes was something she was good at, and she was in it with a friend of ours who was in it, too. They were both doing well, but the teacher screwed up on homework assigments or something and they both got a bad grade. The other teacher was kind of strict or unfair to projects otherwise. He'd criticize something without thinking his criticisms through beforehand. Like, she'd provide proof for something and he'd still ask for proof. She had another teacher like him before, but she got past her somehow.

My girlfriend is a Metalhead. She likes to listen to Thrash Metal, which is really fast stuff. It made my head hurt at first, but I've gotten used to it. I'm not too into, but it's still amazing to listen to. I'm mainly into Alternative Rock. Even so, our favorite band is Rush by a long shot. We've been listening to them since we were little, and we now have all of their albums. Our favorite album of theirs is Signals. I love to sing a lot of their songs. I've even done karaoke at our college, and it seems that a lot of people like to hear me sing. I remember I even got a standing ovation once. That was neat, but it also made me blush. Even if people booed me and didn't like my singing, I'd still sing, though. I just like to sing, I always have. I'd even perfom in front of my parents and my girlfriend a lot.

Right now, I want to cuddle with my girlfriend and watch a movie with her. I don't know which one, but I just want to, and she'll watch almost anything with me, even if she thinks that it's going to be terrible. In fact, sometimes she likes to watch bad movies for laughs, or to rant on them later. She rarely stops a movie if it's bad enough, but she's done it before. She did it a couple of months ago when we were watching The Arrival II after watching the first one. The first one was pretty good, but I understand why she stopped the second one almost mid way. I almost fell asleep until my girlfriend got up and took the disc out. She kind of did the same thing with Twilight. She read it until about two chapters in. She said, "That's it," then shut the book shut, slammed it on the floor, and yelled, "God damn it, this book fucking sucks!" She didn't yell too loud, but it still kind of scared me. :( She isn't usually angry, and I think she was over exaggerating for humor. She knows that it makes me laugh sometimes. I think the most recent one of all, though, was when she bought a used copy of Turok: Evolution (the one for Playstation 2) for just a couple of bucks. It bored her after a few levels, that and the pterodactyl levels annoyed her to the point where she used a cheat code to skip them. Even then, the game bored her after a short while. She just turned it off and took the game out.

Speaking of playing, my girlfriend and I like to still unleash our inner children. We still like to play with toys that we've had since we were kids, and even sometimes get more. We also like to go to play on playgrounds. I don't like the merry-go-round much any more, though. My girlfriend is really strong and it makes me dizzy whenever she pushes. @_@ There was one night I almost barfed and my girlfriend was right by me the whole night to take care of me. Such a sweetie pie! ♥

Ooh, I almost forgot. I want to cuddle with my girlfriend and watch a movie! Or at least cuddle! ♥ Sorry if I rambled, but I was just typing whatever was on my mind. Anyway, I hope to be posting more soon. Bye bye, everyone! Hugs for all! ^_^

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